My jewelry sale project is starting to get sorted out. My plan is to
1. make a mold of my face 2. cut it into a grid of squares maybe 3/4 inch or so 3. make a mold of the squares 4. cast the squares in Silicone and 5. attach them to rings (maybe Brooches.... maybe, but I'm really feeling the rings.)
I made a mold of my face this weekend. It turned out pretty good, but I'm going to give it another try this evening after work. I used Algi-Safe (by Smooth On), Plaster bandages, and then duoMatrix Neo (also Smooth On) plaster mix to do the casting. When I try this tonight I'm planning on using brown wax to fill the mold. this way I can easily cut it into pieces with a jewelers saw. We'll see how that works. Hopefully I can get more then one cast out of it. The Algi-Safe was hard to save after the first cast. But, I'd like to have at least two faces. Because I'd like to make a cast of a solid face for the display.
The next step is to make another negative mold of my face that I can use to cast the Sorta Clear Silicone into. For this I Bought a less expensive silicone rubber to use. Silicon will not cure properly in a urethane mold.
I have most of the process mapped out at this point. I"m just considering how to adhere the eventual cubes of my face to the rings. Silicone doesn't adhere to metal, so I'm thinking that if I have a threaded cone shape or something that will prevent the metal from coming out. I can cast them right into the pieces, then screw them onto the ring posts using Thread Lock to keep them in place.
Each piece will eventually be a small cube of my face mold. I'm going to engrave or etch the location of each ring as it pertains to my face. Most likely 1a 2b 3c etc.
I'm really excited about this project.